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There are three ways to participate in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program in the TDSB.


This is available to any student over 16 years of age, from any school, with a minimum of 16 credits. Students must be registered full-time in school, working on secondary school credits, and be signed up for cooperative education in one of over 150 apprenticeship trades.





These are one-year packaged programs comprised of a bundle of technological studies credits in combination with a co-op in the related field. These programs are ideal for students in their 4th or 5th year. They require application and acceptance to the school where that program is offered. Students are signed to apprenticeship agreements when they confirm their OYAP co-op placements. Students may plan to challenge exemption exams for Level 1 "trade school" as part of the Specialized program completion.  You must apply to these programs in the school year BEFORE you plan to attend.





These are second semester programs for students in their final semester of secondary school. Students are timetabled with all or part of Level 1 "trade school" built into their calendars with co-op, and if applicable, SCWI dual credit. Compulsory credits should be completed prior to the beginning of the accelerated classes.  Submit an application, proof of credits and proof of attendance before the NOVEMBER deadline in order to arrange for an interview.

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